love heals
You’ve heard all your life that the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
But no one ever told you it could heal you.
STOP emotional vomit
and love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength?
What if I told you that your emotional explosions and implosions (vomit) have less to do with the situation, but are rather a sign of where the Holy Spirit is already working to heal you – heart, soul, mind, and body – and wants your cooperation? Here’s how you work with the Holy Spirit through pop quizzes, so they finally STOP.

The Bible calls them “vomit” (Prov 26:11).
Sometimes they feel almost volcanic. And there’s a pattern to them!
(When you sign up ← (left) to learn the STOP Tool for working through your pop quizzes – four email installments – you get short daily videos and audio; explanatory printables for your heart, soul, mind, and body; 100+ Bible truth post-its; a convenient one-page STOP Tool guide; and a coupon for $100 off the Sacred Healing 12:30 Masterclass.)

Sonja, her material, and her methods are the power of Scripture, the guidance of spiritual direction, deeper than therapy, the freedom of deliverance, the motivational of coaching, and the inspiration of a retreat, all in one place.

Here’s How to Start Getting the
love you need.
Share your LOVE the Word takeaways → with the rest of us who are hearing from God each day in the daily readings.

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Mark 12:30
the “Great Commandment”
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Who Is Sonja Corbitt? An Introduction
Listen NowHow specific parts of the body often express pain
Listen NowDon’t just “offer it up”! Get real relief!
Listen NowPeacemakers are children of intimacy
Listen NowI have loved you with an everlasting love.
Listen NowAdvent-ure: The mountain is calling, and I must go.
Listen NowSelf-consciousness = darkness, God-consciousness = LIGHT
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Here's How to
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Free Tool: 5 Days to Understanding the Pattern in Your Suffering
(When you enter below⇓ to learn how to work through your pop quizzes – four email installments – you get short daily videos and audio, explanatory posit-its, a one-page STOP Tool, Bible truth printouts for your mind, and a coupon for $100 off the Sacred Healing 12:30 Masterclass.