
Sonja Corbitt

01_The Mystery of the Holy Spirit, God Who Is Still Concealed

In this hour of all-but-universal darkness, we need a spiritual deepening that makes us really dare to live out the power of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Nothing less will save us or our world. This series is an invitation to step into the fire of the Burning Bush, a fire that burns without consuming, without scorching, without singeing; a fire that arrives on the wind, is fed by the wind, and rests upon the crown of each disciple, sending him out to light flames of love and light in our world. This fire and wind is the Holy Spirit.

O souls, created for these grandeurs and called to them! What are you doing? How are you spending your time? . . . You are blind to so brilliant a light and deaf to such loud voices. -John of the Cross

This series is not about the Charismatic Movement; it’s not about tongues and miracles and healing. It’s about a “still more excellent way” (1 Cor 13). Love, the POWER. The Mystery.

First, we’ll explore the mystery. The Holy Spirit reminds us that God is mystery. The Son is God revealed, no longer hidden. The Spirit is God who is still concealed, the unfathomable depths of God, unreachable and incomprehensible. “The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God” (1 Cor 2:10). And “you know Him, because He dwells in you” (John 14:17).

Thank you to my newest Friends of the Show, Jessica S; Savana A; Katherine P; Yolanda J; Celeste C; Carmen L; Lynne A; Anna B; and Angelica A, for loving and lifting me! Friends of the Show get all Premium Content and monthly meet-ups with Sonja: Our Bible study on the Book of Romans meets tonight!

LOVE the Word® is a Bible study method based on Mary’s own practice: lectio without the Latin. Get the book based on Sonja’s method in the right margin, How to Pray Like Mary.  

L | Listen (Receive the Word via audio or video.)

O | Observe (Connect the passage to your life and recent events.)

Our Mass, the highest form of prayer, begins with, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” from 2 Corinthians 2:13. What do you know about “fellowship” after this episode? What is the Holy Spirit inviting you to?

V | Verbalize (Pray about your thoughts and emotions.)

Remembering that He loves you and that you are in His presence, talk to God about the particulars of your O – Observe step. You may want to write your reflections in your LOVE the Word® journal. Or, get a free journal page and guide in the right-hand margin.

E | Entrust (May it be done to me according to your word!)

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth. Amen. +

It’s Time for You to Be Healed


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What We Discussed | Show Notes


Minutes 00:00-12:00 –  dogma concerning the HS; wind and breath; the one who acts, but the act Himself; the Person of the HS

Minutes 12:01-24:00 – HS in OT and NT; creating power, revealing power, incarnation power, resurrection power

Minutes 24:01-36:00 – the Person gift

Minutes 36:01-48:00 – the gift of love; fruit of the Spirit, agape and eros; koinonia


Click here for a transcript of the show.