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Sonja’s Friends of the Show are active participants in her evangelization efforts for the Church
It is no exaggeration to say that your monthly gifts make my ministry possible, and I am deeply grateful. Love, Sonja
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Friends of the Show
- A gift of any amount (minimum $10) gives you access to all of Sonja’s Premium Content!

Friends of the Show
- A monthly gift in an amount up to $25 a month gives you access to all of Sonja’s Premium Content,
- an exclusive invitation to Monthly Meet-Ups Bible study series on Zoom with Sonja,
- and the members-only discussion community for the monthly meet-ups!

Friends of the Show
- A monthly gift at any amount up to $250 a month gives you access to all of Sonja’s Premium Content,
- an exclusive invitation to Monthly Meet-Ups Bible study series on Zoom with Sonja,
- the members-only discussion community for the monthly meet-ups,
- and a signed copy of Sonja’s book of your choice!

Friends of the Show
- A monthly gift at any amount above $250 a month gives you access to all of Sonja’s Premium Content,
- an exclusive invitation to the Monthly Meet-Ups Bible study series on Zoom with Sonja,
- the members-only discussion community for the Monthly Meet-ups,
- a signed copy of Sonja’s book of your choice, a complimentary ticket to the Standing in the Word retreats with VIP Reception access,
- and a complimentary spot on a pilgrimage with Sonja.
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