
Sonja Corbitt

09_What to Take Away

Because no one has ever seen God, the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, must make Him known to us (Joh 1:18). Through the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, Jesus us shows us how to know and relate to God as Abba, Father, through our woundedness.

Welcome Christine, Flavia, and Seabelo, Bible Study Evangelista’s newest friends of the show!

LOVE the Word™ is a Bible study method based on Mary’s own practice: lectio without the Latin. This week’s LOVE the Word™ exercise is according to a Thomistic* personality approach.

Listen (Receive the Word.)

Observe (Connect the passage to recent events.)

Have you entered in your Gethsemane with Jesus?

Are you retracing your wounds with Jesus through your predominant fault and other patterns, so that by His stripes, you can be healed?

Are you crowning those after you with freedom and healing from generational sin patterns, by seriously making an effort to stop them?

Are you carrying the cross of your wounder(s) with Jesus?

Have you asked Him where He was in your woundedness?

Verbalize (Pray about your thoughts and emotions.)

In your journal or on your journal page (get a free page to the right), write down your thoughts and feelings about what you have learned through this series. What’s your main takeaway? How has your view of God changed? How has the way you relate to Him changed? What can you say to Him now, that could couldn’t before the series began?

Entrust (May it be done to me according to your word!)

Abba, Father, I commit to growing my relationship to you by…

I believe. Help my unbelief!


*LOVE the Word™ exercises vary weekly according to the four personalities, or “prayer forms,” explored in Prayer and Temperament, by Chester Michael and Marie Norrisey: Ignatian, Augustinian, Franciscan, and Thomistic. These prayer forms correspond to the Myers-Briggs personality types.

Episode Resources

Here’s the private Facebook discussion page for the Healing the Father Wound series, if you want to join in the conversation with a little more privacy, as I do.

What is the Rosary?

JPII’s Encyclical Letter, Dives in Misericordia, on God as Father


Romans 8:15   For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!”

(CCC 2779) The purification of our hearts has to do with paternal or maternal images, stemming from our personal and cultural history, and influencing our relationship with God. God our Father transcends the categories of the created world. To impose our own ideas in this area “upon him” would be to fabricate idols to adore or pull down. To pray to the Father is to enter into his mystery as he is and as the Son has revealed him to us.

Read the Transcript

You can download a complete, word-for-word transcript here, when it becomes available (usually within the week) courtesy of Kristie Hynniman, who does our transcriptions for you.

This Week’s Video

Kelly Frick : Connect to essential oils

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