Sonja will teach you one-on-one in Sacred Healing 12:30 Spiritual Consultations, how to live authentically from the wholyistic love of God in the power of Mark 12:30, and coach you monthly for ongoing support.
Here's How
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart" (Mark 12:30).
- Discern the pattern in your most painful relationships, difficult circumstances, and self-destructive habits. “As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly” (Prov 26:11). Why do you keep self-medicating and being hurt over and over in the same ways? To turn pain into purpose, you need to know your pattern and how to cooperate with it, so that it can stop completely.
- Understand why you feel so needy, and learn what it means to be cherished: how to direct your neediness properly so that it can be satisfied (Gen 3). Working with – rather than against – the primary human need that drives addiction, anxiety, depression, toxic relationships, and cycles of “drama” stops such compulsions.
- Experience inner healing. It’s a biological fact that love heals. Guided exercises will help you see and experience Jesus’ love in your deepest hurt and fear, expose lies that keep you in pain and bondage, and receive the truth of your identity in Christ (John 1:18).
As someone who has gone to therapy and has had monthly spiritual direction for the
last 4 years, Sonja did more in my first two-hour session than all the other sessions
combined. She has a way, like a skilled surgeon, of using the Holy Spirit as her tool to
peel back the layers to what is really at the core of a festering life situation. Her insights
about myself, situations and others in my life BLEW me (and everyone I shared them
with) away. She helped me discover my wounds, pushed me to a deeper connection
with Our Lord and gave me real life examples of how to live in my current situation. If
you’re wanting someone to pull the scales off your eyes and see something in your life
more clearly, she is your gal.
Words are really inadequate to describe the gifts I received from my spiritual consultations. Sonja was quickly able to ascertain my particular situation and offer insights and solutions. Sonja is a very special lady who is being used by God in an incredible way. Without sounding too dramatic, I experienced what I consider to be two miracles during my time with Sonja.
This lady is “plugged in” to the Holy Spirit and she is filled with love, wisdom, compassion and grace. I came away with clarity and peace, and obtained wisdom and guidance, which is exactly what I had hoped for. The two miracles were a bonus! I feel I am now equipped to cope with whatever comes my way in life and to continue growing closer to Our Lord Jesus, his Word, and our beautiful Catholic faith. Thank you, dear Sonja, my forever sister in Christ!
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul" (Mark 12:30).
- Uncover the root and understand the biological process of anxiety and fear. Anxiety, fear, depression: without awareness, there can be no freedom (Jn 8:32). Brain research reveals that toxic, negative thoughts and emotions are predictable, controllable, transformable, and healable, even after long-term habits of painful negativity!
- Identify and permanently remove blocks to healing. There’s a difference in emotional and spiritual influences – anger as an emotion and anger as a spirit. Why haven’t a million Bible studies and/or daily Masses, years of therapy, and multiplying deliverance prayers given you permanent relief? Blocks to healing are strongholds; you need precise spiritual weapons to remove them (1 John 4:18).
- Isolate and target the root wound. The journey from struggle to strength requires that you target the lies you came to believe about yourself that drive all your worst habits and behaviors, all of which are rooted in the accusation of worthlessness (2 Cor 6).
- Stop spiritual harrassment. Peace is a gift from God, but toxic “forgiveness” is torture, more damaging than the original offense. Jesus teaches that forgiveness is not an emotion, not forgetting or “getting over it”, not necessarily reconciliation, and not necessarily relationship. He shows us how to stop the torture of both toxic forgiveness and unforgiveness.
I was a life-long Christian with an ache in my heart that brought feelings of sadness and
unworthiness. I believed that we had to suffer with the aches in our hearts; and that one
day, we would finally be in heaven where our wounds would be healed. Through my
spiritual consultation Sonja, not only did I learn that God intends to heal us in this life,
but our Catholic Church has the tools for us to find healing. Sonja is able to expertly use these tools to bring about healing and freedom in this life through the power of the Holy Spirit. I have been set free, and and I walk with such confidence in my identity as God’s precious daughter. This is nothing short of life changing for me, and for my children.
My sincere gratitude to Sonja for her spiritual consultations she provided me. [Even after years of therapy] I think it helped so much because it was spiritual and enabled me to recognize some deep truths I had not been aware of in the past. I feel better and closer to God in a way I haven’t been able to until now. It is all still evolving and I am appreciating the journey more and more. Thank you again Sonja for helping me to identify the obstacles and teaching me ways to overcome them.
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your mind" (Mark 12:30).
- Elevate your baseline happiness, permanently. Brain research reveals that toxic, negative thoughts and emotions are predictable, controllable, transformable, and healable, even after long-term habits of painful negativity!
- Outgrow destructive coping mechanisms. You know, like guilt. Shame. Sugar. Wine. You can’t control destructive coping mechanisms. You know that by now, right? Let’s learn new tools for coping and outgrow the destructive ones (Psalm 4:4).
- Erect proper boundaries and learn to guard your peace. The biblical commands to “love your enemies,” and “forgive those who trespass against you” do not include letting others abuse you. Abuse is sin; charity demands healthy boundaries for yourself and them (Matt 18). Healthy boundaries guard the gift of peace.
My work with Sonja was eye opening – a major breakthrough for me. I thought I was
blocking the Holy Spirit – but I was really just not listening. I looked forward to each
session and it felt like a whirlwind (never has 4 weeks gone by so fast). The real work
begins when the sessions end. I need to apply and practice what I have learned before I
return to gain more insight and guidance. I highly recommend one on one consulting
sessions with Sonja. She will assist you in gaining clarity from the Holy Spirit, on his love and direction for you in this life journey. I am so grateful to Sonja and am now working on the Master Class so that I can continue to learn and grow in my relationship with God and my small piece of His Kingdom.
I have been praying with Scripture for many years, but I found I was stuck in fear which was causing stress on my body and my spiritual life. Spiritual consultation with Sonja showed me how to confront that with God allowing Him to transform it. A weight was lifted off me and I experienced true rest-peace. From my sessions with Sonja, I have a deeper relationship with Jesus and now have spiritual tools to help me in my faith journey. I am so very grateful to Sonja!
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your strength" (Mark 12:30).
- Find help for body shaming and sexual wounds, and deconstruct the cycle of persistent body image problems that lead to painful intimacy issues (John 1:14).
- Relieve chronic pain, fatigue, and other physical symptoms of “dis-ease” by listening to the information your symptoms are communicating through a body-based healing approach that also helps you release stored and compacted fight-or-flight energy in the body. “When the eye is single, the body is full of light” (Matt 6:22).
- Receive focused healing prayer. Once the blocks to healing are removed, thought patterns are re-routed, emotions are healing and transforming, the roots of physical issues are identified, and faith is restored and strengthened, healing prayer in the Name of Jesus can fully restore physical well-being.
Sonja’s consults helped me realize all my years of searching for healing for physical
pain both through doctors and prayer wasn’t the root. In fact I knew I had roots but
thought they we just normal not anything traumatic or awful that they couldn’t be
effecting me to such a degree. No one seemed to be able to put it all together for me
and realize my brain and body needed healing, as well as my emotions that were
causing so much anxiety and physical pain. Through daily prayer that felt like nothing
was happening, and being ok with that, as well as recognizing when I was taking on to
much, my brain and body began responding and healing. There are so many different
areas that need healing and attention for every person, and Sonja can help you discover
Even though I have a deep prayer life, a close relationship with Jesus, and was in the scriptures daily, I struggled to get to the root of my problems. When my life became unmanageable I contacted Sonja for a spiritual consultation. She was able to help me discover the root of my problem so I could start actually healing from a habitual sin pattern, deal with an unhealthy relationship, and stop a self-medicating destructive behavior.
And although I didn’t immediately resolve all my issues, things took a dramatic turn and I’m not sure if it would have played out this way if not for Sonja’s help. I can’t thank her enough. If you’re struggling to trust God and find rest in the midst of an overwhelming life struggle, I suggest contacting Sonja – she can help.
Out of respect for your time and wallet, four, two hour weekly Spiritual Consultations are scheduled up-front for four consecutive weeks via Zoom. Follow-ups are welcome, but the first eight hours are non-negotiable and are essential to finding and targeting your root issue, and to giving you tools to continue on your own.
Fees are four payments of $200, two payments of $400, or $800 USD paid in full. Follow-ups are $100 per consultation hour, and are scheduled in two-hour blocks. If you prefer an exploratory option, please schedule one two-hour session.
Please bring a dedicated journal to each session. Individual Spiritual Consultations follow this general process:
We open in prayer and invite the Holy Spirit to illumine us.
I’ll ask you a series of questions in the first session that will help us discern where God is working in your life and inviting you to work with him. I’ll assist you in determining how the Holy Spirit is leading you and formulate an individual four-step strategy, called an Integration Plan, which we work through during your remaining sessions.
Each session, while listening to what you have to share, the Holy Spirit will draw attention to “the heart of the matter,” an area we can focus on.
I suggest action items for each week or session.
We begin with an agreement for four two-hour sessions and discern the need or desire for more sessions after those are complete. Follow-up sessions are available upon request. .
After your Consultation, Sonja offers monthly Group Coaching Meetings via Zoom for free to all 1:1 Consultation participants for ongoing support and help.
Although I bring my spiritual gifts of healing, wisdom, and teaching to bear on our time together, the Holy Spirit is the Healer (John 14:16). I help you discern His direction, experience His love, follow His guidance, and receive His healing.
Drawing on decades of experience and training at the Holy Apostles College and Seminary; Catholic Psychotherapy Association; NICABM; Compassionate Inquiry; Encounter School of Ministry; JPII Healing Center Ministry Training; and Unbound®, I teach every person I consult with how to feel better and how to be better.
To book a consultation, call or email MaryKatherine for inquiries and scheduling: 484.273.1837 or hello @ biblestudyevangelista . com.
You can also book one or two day intensives, meaning all-at-once, rather than more acute. Think of it as a healing retreat, in person, scheduled 9:00 am – 3:00 pm on two consecutive days (Monday – Saturday) in Nashville, TN. Fees are $800 for one full day or $1200 for two, and include: lunch(es), and materials. A $200 non-refundable deposit is required in advance with balance due by 5 days prior to the event. Travel, accommodations, entertainment, and other meal expenses are not included.
One or two day intensive Spiritual Consultations with women take place in the hotel room or Airbnb you book; we can make those arrangements for you and add reimbursement to the final invoice, or you can make arrangements for accommodations yourself. Intensives with men take place in a parish office. If you book yourself, please book a hotel room or other rental with a table and chairs or a couch and coffee table so you and Sonja have private space to talk and spread out.
Here are some cottages we like to book.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
To book a one or two day intensive, call or email MaryKatherine for inquiries and scheduling: 484.273.1837 or hello @ biblestudyevangelista . com.
Call or email MaryKatherine for inquiries and scheduling: 484.273.1837 or hello @ biblestudyevangelista . com.
Unless you are scheduling an in-person Intensive, you will receive all four Zoom links via email in four separate emails, within about 24-48 hours after payment. Please save them in an easily retrievable place. They may go to your SPAM folder. PLEASE CHECK.
Sonja and her Prayer Team (38 souls) will be praying for all of your consultations (no names given).
Further instructions will follow via email. Congratulations on beginning this important new chapter in your healing. Sonja deeply prepares for and anticipates meeting with you!
Group Consultations
Perhaps you want to experience spiritual consultation in community. Groups of two to four (larger groups should book a speaking event), who want to meet together for spiritual consultation in a retreat setting fly into Nashville and meet with Sonja, or we can do so in-place via Zoom. No matter which format you choose, spiritual consultation for groups involves everyone in the group sharing honestly, listening to others’ sacred stories, honoring paths that may be quite different from your own, and can be a deeply moving experience.
Click here to check Sonja’s availability, then call or email MaryKatherine for inquiries and scheduling: 484.273.1837 or hello @ biblestudyevangelista . com.
Don’t wait to experience the miracle of living authentically from the healing love of God in your heart, soul, mind, and body. Stop the emotional vomit and live from a place of peace.