Laminated Anxiety Checklist
$ 4.99 9.25% tax
The picture, here, is not the full checklist, as it’s been updated. But you get the idea.
When my babies were small, I found a “6 Basic Needs of Crying Infants” checklist in a magazine, tore it out, and stuck it to my refrigerator. When they cried and I didn’t know why, I would go to the refrigerator and run through all their needs, checking to see if I had missed something that could be causing the crying. That checklist helped every time.
This anxiety checklist is similar. When you realize you’re being overwhelmed with racing or negative thoughts and emotions, run through this checklist of ways to interrupt their momentum and help you gain self-control. It’s not exhaustive, of course, but it gives you a place to start, something quick and easy to consult when you’re beginning to panic.
Full-color, laminated.
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